Help me God !
I love sharing this photo and the reason that I do like this one is to show to all that, in our very fast and high-tech world, there are still people who reminds us the simple things of the life. They just stop and, with simplicity, show a world that we very often ignore.
My journey in Vienna was coming to end and I was spending my last moments at S. Stephan’s Church.
I do like spending some time inside a religious place and observe the people. I do classify them in 3 main categories.
1- The Curious. They just want to visit another typical place, taking some pictures and show to all the friends, when they will be back home, what they have visited.
2- Art lovers. They enter in a church only to admire the masterpieces on the walls.
3- Believers. They want to meet God and want to ask him for mercy, help, love, understanding … they want that somebody hears them. They want to open their hearts and talk with honesty.
I was looking for this category of people. I was waiting for the right person, the one who will make me think, “yes, it is worth to light up a candle and whisper a pray”.
I tried some shots, but I wasn’t satisfied, the light was not right, the moment was caught wrong or was not what I wanted to transmit. So I decided to stop and observe rather than shoot.
I saw him coming close to the stand, taking a candle and lighting it up and, when he was just about to place it next to her “sisters”, I heard my camera’s “click” and I knew I saved that moment.
This photo is the good combination of these ingredients: having a photo idea, previewing the photo, waiting for the right moment, speed on shooting and luck.
Yes, Help me God !
This article was published first on Picture Power on the section My most powerful picture